An exciting career opportunity in the printing industry awaits applicants at Advanced Graphics, an innovative company that features state-of-the-art equipment, dynamic leadership, precision and accuracy. Our Job Online Form makes it easy to apply for employment with us. A supportive and inclusive atmosphere welcomes everyone and enhances productivity. Specializing in volume printing for discerning clients, Advanced Graphics produces the highest quality documentation that serves business and industry with clarity and facilitates understanding. With a reputation earned over half a century for printing the highest quality documents, Advanced Graphics serves senior industry leaders across the scope of specialization within essential market sectors.
Our organization offers top tier services to a uniquely discerning clientele, and we depend on highly motivated employees who have extraordinary talent.
Our standards help us employ the quality employees who make us the leader in our field, and we offer employment opportunities to applicants who have the traits that fit our work culture.
We invite you to submit an online job application and start the process of qualifying to work at Advanced Graphics.

The success of our company rests on the work ethic of our dedicated employees. We choose prospective employees who can accept increased autonomy to perform the work that we must accomplish. A strong work ethic means performing to the maximum of one’s abilities by arriving at work on time, completing assigned tasks dependably and meeting target deadlines. We offer employees opportunities to excel and advance to positions with higher pay within our company.
At Advanced Graphics, everyone has the potential to become a leader by developing the traits that lie within. An employee who chooses to step forward to learn a new skill, compliment a co-worker or help introduce a different procedure possesses the qualities that we prefer in our employees. An ability to make decisions provides a valuable resource for our company as we seek to develop managerial talent.
The fast-paced and high-tech environment of the printing industry requires employees to work together with respect and efficiency. We depend on our employees to communicate and work together even when conditions present stressful situations. Advanced Graphics believes that integrity contributes significantly to the success of teams. Our diverse workplace requires everyone to treat the company and colleagues of different ages, skills and backgrounds with respect.
An abiding curiosity can produce a need to learn, and problem-solving often follows as a beneficial consequence. We look for employees who can learn a new skill or help someone else fill a need that benefits the team. An employee with initiative and self-motivation can work without direction. In the complex work environment at Advanced Graphics, we value initiative and the ability to recognize a career opportunity.
We seek employees who can listen carefully and speak precisely. Our workplace requires everyone to interact with co-workers and management verbally in person or by email, phone conversations, voice messages and body language. We believe that clear communication skills help employees catch on quickly, follow instructions precisely and build trusting relationships. Mutual understanding contributes to the productive work environment that we enjoy providing for our workers. Our Job Online Form lets anyone who wants to learn the printing trade complete an application with convenience.
Personal responsibility distinguishes an employee who accepts ownership of whatever happens. Accountability often accompanies responsibility, and both reflect strong character. We understand that mistakes can happen, but we treat every task as a learning experience and not a reason to place blame. In the workplace, the demands of the job provide challenges every day to make the choices that reveal real character.
Our company expects employees to show respect for clients, co-workers, managers, employers and vendors. Punctuality reveals the importance of arriving at work on time and meeting project deadlines to reduce stress, show consideration for others and accept responsibility. Late arrival at work and unexcused absences put a burden on other team members to maintain the work schedule. Conversely, punctuality lets employees demonstrate dependability and gain the respect of others.
Loyalty to a company represents the dedication that we seek in our employees, and we reward it through our incentive program. With pride and respect for Advanced Graphics, our employees choose to work hard, find advancement and learn new ways to become more productive. We appreciate the dedication of employees
who see each task as an opportunity to excel and make it a valued contribution to the continued success of the company.

Our inclusive workplace culture offers a diverse environment that welcomes employees from all walks of life who enjoy doing challenging work that contributes to our continued success.
We offer everyone a career opportunity that does not require previous experience or certifications, and we provide training experiences that help our employees gain new skills.
We encourage prospective employees to consider full-time or part-time employment as a path to pursuing an exciting and rewarding career.
Our onsite and offsite job training programs make the need for experience unnecessary. Working alongside a team of industry professionals, new employees can learn the sign industry from a unique perspective. We welcome employees to come in and experiment with different aspects of the trade to choose a path that suits personal preferences.
In our accessible and inclusive workplace, our diverse culture of employees allows everyone to feel comfortable and productive in a safe and supportive environment. We extend a welcome to prospective employees of all backgrounds, abilities, thoughts and levels of experience to help us achieve continued success. Our diverse culture empowers our employee recruitment and retention, problem-solving and job satisfaction.

To ensure our company standards are maintained and our workplace environment is safe, we conduct pre-employment and ongoing background checks on all potential and current employees.

The sign-making industry spans a range of skills and processes that may provide a long-term career for new employees. To encourage understanding of the printing arts, we offer paid internships that may last up to three weeks. Our internship placement program can provide hands-on experience in the sign-making industry and exposure to all aspects of the process with expert professionals.
The design of layouts gives a desktop publisher input into the creative process of preparing documents for printing. With computer software, a skilled DP performs the typesetting process by selecting a typestyle, font size, leading, color and graphics to create a finished page. The intricate and artistic design requires attention to detail and an understanding of computer applications.
In laying out the elements of a page, DPs present a creative display of the effective communication that clients hope to achieve. As creative artists and technical experts, employees who learn the skill may recommend alternative layouts to achieve the best results. The responsibility for eliminating errors rests with the DP, and the careful proofreading of a design many times helps avoid typos. While working interactively with a team of writers, editors and graphics designers, a DP can achieve the quality product that everyone expects.
Graphics Designer (GD)
A key player in the branding process, a graphics designer has the skills to create and set up artwork illustrations from clients. The visual assets that a GD may produce include logos, graphics and illustrations for print among a range of creative presentations. The process starts with developing a design concept for management and clients’ approval, and it may require an informal presentation of the project. As stakeholders respond with suggestions, a GD needs to accept them gracefully and incorporate the ideas into a revised sketch. The designer occupies a unique position in defining and protecting a company’s brand by making sure that it maintains a consistent appearance across all printed material. Clients who want to change a brand image may consult with a graphics designer for ideas and suggestions.
Prepress Technician (PT)
Every print production run requires a skilled prepress technician to prepare the text and images for a solid foundation that ensures success. The intricate work requires a PT to select a format and layout, use specialized printing software to scan the print files, inspect the cameras and presses for readiness and respond to requests by experienced co-workers. Qualities that help PTs perform efficiently include computer expertise, excellent communication skills, stamina and an ability to meet deadlines.
Press Operator (PO)
The critically important job of maintaining printing presses and using them belongs to the press operator. With responsibility for installing printing plates according to specifications, a PO must perform many other tasks that keep the press running. The flow of ink and a supply of paper in the feeders contributes to an efficient press run, and the prevention of paper jams or wasted ink prevents costly losses. POs need to think fast, respond quickly to situations that may occur and work as reliable team members.
Production Coordinators (PC) and Workers
The responsibility for coordinating the final preparation of a printed product rests with a production coordinator and the workers who work as assistants. The job requires a careful review of the artwork and text to make sure that it can go to press. A PC must have the skills of a customer service representative to manage the coordination, deadlines, flexibility and follow-through of a demanding position as well as superior skills with computer applications. The variety of jobs that we offer can give a prospective employee either full-time or part-time employment.
Fulfillment Workers
The job of getting the printed product out the door requires a coordinated effort to deliver the goods. Complicated aspects of logistics involve processing customer orders and working with the press operators to make sure that a scheduled deadline remains firm and achievable. Some elements of fulfillment require advanced knowledge of processing software and checking the accuracy of package labels. An ability to multitask, communicate effectively and present an organized approach to a complicated job helps fulfillment workers satisfy customer expectations. Through our internship placement program, employees can gain new experiences in printing and find one that suits personal preferences.
An online job application provides an easy way to access an intriguing and rewarding employment opportunity. Our emphasis on education offers learning experiences for employees and interns that can expand knowledge about the sign business at offsite training locations with our partners. We believe that everyone deserves to learn more, grow in our profession and find ways to advance a career. Our job training program provides access to functional skills in related areas, and it teaches universal efficiencies such as teamwork, communication and work ethic. We respect everyone’s choice of a career field, and we offer access to tools that can enhance it. Our investment in education, apprenticeships and opportunities for advancement reflects our commitment to helping employees achieve career goals.
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Our commitment to equal opportunity employment ensures that every employee of Advanced Graphics and every applicant receive no discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, status as a parent, national origin, age, disability (physical or mental), family medical history or genetic information, political affiliation, military service or other factors not based on merit. We do not have an affirmative action policy. The guidelines stated herein provide a general reference that may not address all relevant local, state or federal laws, and it does not serve as a legal document. Neither the author nor Advanced Graphics assumes any legal liability that may arise from the use of this policy.